[中][ENG] 舞蹈的體能訓練 Strength and Conditioning in Dance
舞動潛能 Optimizing Dancers’ Performance 舞蹈的體能訓練 文:敖君龍 照片由香港演藝學院舞蹈學院提供 舞蹈與其他競技運動一樣,是一項對技巧、體能和精確度有嚴格要求的身體活動。為了滿足表演需求,不論舞者所跳的舞步是屬於哪一種舞蹈風格,體能是不可...
[中][ENG] 舞者的抗逆力 The Resilient Dancer
舞動潛能 Optimizing Dancers’ Performance The Resilient Dancer Text: Brenton Surgenor Photo: HKAPA School of Dance The relentless pursuit of...
[中][ENG] 完美主義與舞蹈——當熱情成了執迷 Perfectionism in Dance – When Passion Becomes Obsession
舞動潛能 Optimizing Dancers’ Performance Perfectionism in Dance – When Passion Becomes Obsession Text: Brenton Surgenor Photo: Worldwide...