[中][Eng] 安全的舞蹈空間Safe Dance Environments

Employee health and safety is becoming increasingly important in all industries and it’s no different for the dance industry. Dancers spend long hours training, rehearsing and - sometimes - performing in dance studios. Therefore, it’s important to have safe environments that enable dancers to push the physicality of their art form to the highest levels. Here are seven important points to consider for a safe and dancer friendly space.

1 更衣室:舞者需要一個私密和安全的更衣空間,要衛生、通風,設有洗手間及淋浴設備,而且是不開放予公眾的私人地方。
Changing rooms – dancers need private and secure places to change into - and out of - dancewear. These spaces need to be clean, well ventilated, with toilet and shower facilities, and not shared with the general public.
2 空間尺寸:舞者需要足夠的空間來展伸和舞動身體,因此應確保每位舞者的活動範圍至少有60平方尺,最理想為90平方尺,高度也應足夠讓舞者跳躍和作互相舉高的動作。
Size of space – dancers need space to stretch their limbs and move, so ensure a minimum of six square meters and ideally nine square meters per dancer and sufficient height to allow room for jumps and lifts.

3 舞室環境:舞室的環境應保持明亮和通爽,氣溫保持在18至20度之間。
Environment – a well-lit, well-ventilated climate controlled space with temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius.
4 舞室地板:富彈性的空心地板對舞者而言很重要,一方面能起緩衝作用,另一方面地板的角度能造成引力,不僅能減少他們因為打滑或跌倒而受傷的機會,也能為他們製造適切的「舞感」以更自信地表演。
Dance floor – for dance it’s important to have a sprung floor that provides a ‘cushioning’ effect and a surface that offers the right degree of ‘traction’. These factors not only help avoid injuries from slips and falls, they also provide the right ‘feel’ for dancers to perform with confidence.

5 緊急標示:重要的緊急程序資料以及其他基本資料張貼於當眼的位置,包括舞室的規則、行為守則、急救須知,如:急性運動損傷處理指引,即保護、休息、冰敷、壓迫、抬高(P.R.I.C.E),以及不熱敷,不喝酒,不運動,不按摩(NO H.A.R.M)。
Signage – essential information about emergency procedures should be prominently displayed along with other useful information about space rules, codes of conduct, and first aid information (P.R.I.C.E - Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation; and, NO H.A.R.M - No Heat, Alcohol, Running/Exercising the injured area, Massage).
6 預設救傷用品:沒有隊醫在場治療的情況下,舞者至少能得知基本救傷用品,如冰塊等的位置。
Provision for injury treatment – Not everyone has onsite physio treatment, however, at the very minimum dancers need access to ice and information about where to seek appropriate treatment for injuries.
7 基本設施:確保為熱身而設的芭蕾扶手以及鏡子都安全妥當地裝好。
Equipment – ballet barres for essential warm up exercises should be securely installed; mirrors should be safety backed and correctly fitted.
擴展和添置新的設備前,應先考慮以上數項以及其他原則。如有任何疑慮應咨詢專家意見,如哈安群地版的Kasper Nyboe及Annie Shek。
Before updating or developing a new studio facility, it is important to consider these and other factors. If you are not sure, consult the experts and obtain professional guidance. Kasper Nyboe and Annie Shek at Harlequin Floors can provide advice.
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Photo by David Kelly, Harlequin Floors and Maria Slough