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[中][Eng] 「傑出青年及社區舞蹈計劃 」得主:新約舞流及香港中文大學藝術行政主任辦公室 藝城動展:《樽裝城市》OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN YOUTH AND COMMU

由新約舞流及香港中文大學藝術行政主任辦公室合辦的藝城動展:《樽裝城市》獲得了香港舞蹈年獎2016的「傑出青年及社區舞蹈計劃 」 。這個為期一年的跨媒體計劃由大學生、舞蹈藝術家和在如音樂、建築及視覺藝術等領域的專家共同合作。參與者親歷了一次有關藝術如果改變生命的自省和創作之旅,並以藝術為框架,舞蹈為題,創作出一個在校園和公共場地演出的環境舞蹈演出。

In Search of Space in a Cramped City: A Moving Exhibition – Urban Bottling is a cross-media, year-long project of university students, dance artists, and experts in music, architecture, and visual arts developing a site specific dance for campus and public venues with art its frame and dance its subject. Participants undertook a journey of reflection and creation demonstrating compellingly how art transforms lives.



Passoverdance and The Office of the Arts Administrator, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Established in 1993, Passoverdance is a local non-profit dance organization that was restructured in 2008 by Pewan Chow Pui-wan, Mak Sau-wai, and a group of enthusiastic young artists. It is dedicated to fostering and developing local dance culture as well as finding and nurturing new talents in the community. The Office of the Arts Administrator of the Chinese University of Hong Kong is responsible for the presentation, promotion, and coordination of campus-wide arts activities and, through its programs, offers opportunities in arts education.

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1. 相片由新約舞流提供Photo provided by Passoverdance

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