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[中] [ENG]香港舞蹈年獎2019 21st Hong Kong Dance Awards

攝 Photo: Worldwide Dancer Project


Hong Kong Dance Alliance (HKDA) presented the 21st Hong Kong Dance Awards Presentation and Gala Performance on 18 April, 2019 at Kwai Tsing Theatre. The Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed to the late Dr Tom Brown, in recognition of his immeasurable contribution to the development of dance in Hong Kong. On the night of the occasion,13 awards were presented with the selection through a secret ballot by the Jury. The categories include: the renamed Tom Brown Emerging Choreographer Award, Outstanding Choreography, Small, Medium and Large Venue Production, Male and Female Dancers Performance, Ensemble Performance, Lighting Design, Costume Design, Music Composition, Dance Education and Services to Dance Award.


Artistic Director Anh Ngoc Nguyen showcased the inclusiveness and diversity of the dance sector by inviting Anna CY Chan, Dean of School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) as the Host, and artists, a young ballet talent, an architect, a movie director and a composer as well as a jewelry designer and policewoman as the Awards Presenters. The Gala was a feast of dance with a sneak preview of City Contemporary Dance Company’s latest work Winterreise, an excerpt from Hong Kong Ballet’s ALICE (in wonderland), the Hong Kong Dance Company’s Dazzling Desert, as well as Eye by over 20 students from the School of Dance, HKAPA. The evening was further enriched by the emotional performance of Moment, choreographed by Anh Ngoc Nguyen, performed by Anna CY Chan, Li Yongjing, Henry Shum and Yan Xiaoqiang as a tribute to Dr Tom Brown.


香港舞蹈年獎2019 得獎名單

21st Hong Kong Dance Awards List of Recipients


Tom Brown Emerging Choreographer


Hugh Cho

攝 Photo: Flash


Outstanding Choreography

伍宇烈 城市當代舞蹈團 《香‧夭》

Yuri Ng for Requiem HK (City Contemporary Dance Company)

攝 Photo: Jimmy Luk


Outstanding Large Venue Production

城市當代舞蹈團 《香‧夭》

City Contemporary Dance Company for Requiem HK

攝 Photo: 張志偉 Cheung Chi-wai


Outstanding Medium Venue Production

香港舞蹈團 《紫玉成煙》

Hong Kong Dance Company for Waiting Heart

攝 Photo: 張志偉 Cheung Chi-wai


Outstanding Small Venue Production

大館/李偉能、黃碧琪、邱加希 大館舞蹈季︰《198491牆後的赤祼信息》

Tai Kwun and Joseph Lee, Rebecca Wong, KT Yau Ka-hei

for Tai Kwun Dance Season: The Message Behind the Wall by 198491

攝 Photo: Mak Cheong Wai@Moon 9 image | Steve Li@June’s Production | Steve Li@June’s Production


Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer

沈杰 飾 阿爾伯特 香港芭蕾舞團 《吉賽爾》

Shen Jie as Albrecht in Giselle (Hong Kong Ballet)

攝 Photo: Conrad Dy-Liacco相片由香港芭蕾舞團提供 Photo provided by Hong Kong Ballet


Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer

陳稚瑶 飾 愛麗絲 香港芭蕾舞團 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》

Chen Zhiyao as Alice in ALICE (in wonderland) (Hong Kong Ballet)

攝 Photo: Conrad Dy-Liacco相片由香港芭蕾舞團提供 Photo provided by Hong Kong Ballet


Outstanding Ensemble Performance

香港芭蕾舞團 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》

Hong Kong Ballet for ALICE (in wonderland)

攝 Photo: Conrad Dy-Liacco相片由香港芭蕾舞團提供 Photo provided by Hong Kong Ballet


Outstanding Lighting Design

陳焯華 香港舞蹈團 《紫玉成煙》

Billy Chan for Waiting Heart (Hong Kong Dance Company)

相片由神戲劇場提供 Courtesy of Dionysus Contemporary Theatre


Outstanding Costume Design

莉茲‧凡達爾 香港芭蕾舞團 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》

Liz Vandal for ALICE (in wonderland) (Hong Kong Ballet)

攝 Photo: Alexandre Donato


Outstanding Music Composition

金在德 城市當代舞蹈團 《不期而遇》中〈跌宕〉

Kim Jaeduk for Jangdan in Come Across (City Contemporary Dance Company)

攝 Photo: An Jae Kyung


Outstanding Dance Education and Community Dance

西九文化區管理局WE Dance

West Kowloon Cultural District Authority for WE Dance

相片由西九文化區提供 Courtesy of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority


Outstanding Services to Dance

大館 大館舞蹈季

Tai Kwun for Tai Kwun Dance Season

攝 Photo:Ka Lam@Moon 9 image | Mak Cheong Wai@Moon 9 image | Maximillian Cheng@Moon 9 image | Mak Cheong Wai@Moon 9 image


Lifetime Achievement Award


Dr Tom Brown


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