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[中] [ENG] 舞林積旅傾Dance Travelogue: 第十二屆布宜諾斯艾利斯國際藝術節​ 12th Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires

舞林積旅傾 Dance Travelogue


12th Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires

翻譯 Translation: Tiffany Wong

環境舞蹈Monumentos en Acción由Lucía Nacht編舞,就在阿根廷總統府前的五月廣場演出Site-Specific Dance - Monumentos en Acción, choreographed by Lucía Nacht, performed in Plaza de Mayo in front of Casa Rosada;圖片由馮澤恩提供Photo provided by Jacky Fung

2019年之始,短短數月,全球各地的藝術節、舞蹈節已紛紛出籠。世界各地的藝術家與製作人也整裝待發,跨越各種界限,穿梭各個板塊,從南到北,開闢自己的藝術道路。今期為讀者們帶來了年初的阿根廷之旅,一個被譽為「南美巴黎」的城市,首都布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires),一個滿載舞蹈、藝術和激情的城市。

Since the beginning of 2019 arts festivals and dance festivals have sprouted up all around the world with artists and producers getting ready to go beyond their limitations, to travel across continents and to explore varied paths in art. I travelled to Argentina earlier this year - my own excursion to the “Paris of South America”: Buenos Aires - a city of dance, art and passion.

布宜諾斯艾利斯是拉丁美洲國家阿根廷的首都。當地文化部自從1997年開始,每隔兩年會舉辦一次布宜諾斯艾利斯國際藝術節(Buenos Aires International Festival),是當地最具代表性的表演藝術盛事,蒐集了本土以及國際上極具前瞻性的當代藝術作品展演,演出類型包羅萬有,劇場、舞蹈、音樂、視覺藝術以及各種跨媒體作品共冶一爐,多不勝數。

Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, Latin America. The local Ministry of Culture has been organizing the Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires International Festival) biannually since 1997. As the most representative performing arts event of the city, the festival offers a collection of forward-looking local and international contemporary artworks, and they come in a wide variety of forms -theater, dance, music, visual arts and multi-media works.


This year, the organizer intentionally moved the festival forward from autumn to summer (January to February) with two objectives in mind: one was to attract the local audience especially young students hoping to have larger student audiences during the summer holidays; the other was to make use of the fine summer weather to curate more outdoor events and exhibitions. The move was effective in achieving these goals. I myself saw groups of younger audience members in many of the programs and there were no empty seats even at matinee shows. The weather was also great with a clear sky over the entire festival period. Although the outdoor temperature went as high as 43.7 degrees, all the outdoor programs ran smoothly.


I looked at the festival program before I set off, and I was shocked at the amount of productions. On the list were 220 local performances and 130 other events from around the world. I was dazzled by this huge number and I didn’t know where to start. Frankly speaking, one of the reasons why I was hesitant to start was that the festival program was in Spanish. Luckily, the organizer helped me with this language problem by arranging my itinerary and reserving my show tickets soon after my arrival. My schedule wouldn’t have been arranged so promptly and carefully without this great service.

日程除了觀看演出,還設有藝術家與策展人的對談環節,我也參加了兩節座談會,當中由巴西講者Marcelo Bones介紹Observatório dos Festivais可謂特別有意思。Observatório dos Festivais 是一個專門收集、記錄和研究區內藝術節及相關資料的組織。透過收集得來的數據和資訊,從而分享,思考和協助表演藝術在各種形式下的生產和傳播。Bones簡單介紹了他們曾經和正在進行的工作和活動,當中的點子深具啟發性,對於現今急促發展的亞洲藝術網絡,相信很有幫助。

Apart from watching performances, my schedule also included seminars with artists and curators. I attended two seminar sessions, and I found Brazilian speaker Marcelo Bones’ introduction of Observatorio dos Festivais especially remarkable. Observatorio dos Festivais is an organization that collects, records and studies local art festivals and their related information. Through analyzing the collected data and information, they find ways to improve on the productions and the dissemination of information relating to the performing arts. Bones also introduced their current and previous projects and activities which contained ideas that I found inspiring and helpful to the rapidly developing Asian arts network.

與來自巴西的Marcelo Bones合照Picture with Marcelo Bones from Brazil;圖片由馮澤恩提供Photo provided by Jacky Fung


Honestly, before this trip, I knew very little about recent developments in the Argentinian dance scene but this visit contributed to a sense of a significant dance growth and development in that country. The works covered a wide range of topics. There were countless works on sociopolitical themes such as refugees and gender studies; impressive pieces that discussed humanity; creative works that explored body, sounds and environment. Local artists were acutely aware of the varied ways of presenting topics. This passion for creation was clearly reflected in their focused and in-depth research which made their creations more compelling.


Buenos Aires and Hong Kong are geographically very far and I had to fly 28 hours just to get there but in hindsight it was well worth it. I believe art, especially dance, is the best way to shorten this distance and I hope to see more cultural and creative exchange opportunities between these two cities in the future.

來自世界各地的舞蹈界策展人大合照 Picture with dance curators from around the world;圖片由馮澤恩提供Photo provided by Jacky Fung


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