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[ENG] [中] Dance Horizons - Going Green: making dance production sustainable

Text: Dance Horizons

At Dance Horizons, we firmly believe that it is possible to produce exceptional dance shows while prioritising sustainability and recognising our responsibility to the environment. We acknowledge that the arts, theatre, and entertainment sectors often face significant environmental challenges due to the substantial energy and material resources required for production. However, we are determined to change this narrative.

Our commitment to the environment is reflected in our comprehensive "Going Green" policy, which is central to our operations. This policy encompasses a range of initiatives designed to minimise our carbon footprint, from reducing energy consumption and waste to utilising eco-friendly materials and practices.

We are dedicated not only to entertaining our audiences, but also to inspiring positive change within our industry. Through continuous innovation and our focus on sustainability, Dance Horizons aims to set a new standard for environmentally conscious production in the arts. Our mission is to demonstrate that creativity and environmental responsibility can, and must, go hand in hand.

Our Mission

Dance Horizons recognises that our responsibility to the environment goes far above and beyond legal and regulatory requirements. As an organisation, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods. We will encourage our customers, suppliers and other partner organisations to do the same.

《Resilient》 由 Ascension Dance Company 負責演出,舞者為 Lexy Garner 和 Ben Morley

Resilient by Ascension Dance Company performed by Lexy Garner and Ben Morley

攝 Photo︰Michele Masiello(照片由 Dance Horizons 提供 Photo provided by Dance Horizons)

Challenges of Going Green

Before implementing our new "Going Green" policy, we conducted a thorough review of our current practices and found that we were already performing highly as a green business. However, there is always room for improvement.

Paper usage

We have always been mindful of our paper usage, striving to reduce it as much as possible by focusing on alternative media and marketing methods. This includes enhancing our social media presence, utilising email marketing, and leveraging word-of-mouth promotion through sector professionals. While we aim to keep our print materials to a minimum, we still rely on poster advertisements and paper programmes due to their effectiveness and audience preference.

Currently, we are not entirely paperless because we recognise the ongoing demand for printed materials. While the landscape of advertising may evolve, our audience appreciates the tangible experience of having paper programmes. Digital programmes, although a viable option, can present challenges for some users, including discomfort with digital devices and potential technical issues such as poor signal or data connectivity at performance sites. Moreover, there is a nostalgic value in receiving a physical programme, which many audience members cherish and collect as memorabilia.

Understanding this necessary compromise for our business and audience, we have explored ways to produce these limited print copies in the most environmentally friendly manner possible. To achieve this, we have investigated and chosen to use recycled and recyclable paper for all our printed materials. This ensures that, even when print is necessary, our environmental impact is minimised.

《Footprint》 由 Penny Chivas 編舞和演出 Footprint choreographed and performed by Penny Chivas

攝 Photo︰Michele Masiello(照片由 Dance Horizons 提供 Photo provided by Dance Horizons)

Extravagant productions

Going green does come with challenges due to the society we now live in, where performance productions are becoming more extravagant and utilise integrated lighting, effects, and staging. As a dance producer, we predominantly work with contemporary dance companies, considering them carefully to ensure they too are striving to minimise their carbon footprint. This sometimes means we decline to produce work unless necessary improvements are made. However, if artists are willing to make these changes, we are ready to support them in this endeavour. It is important that both our business and theirs are socially responsible.

This can be challenging as we need to weigh the benefits of taking on their business against the impact they have on the environment. Fortunately, due to the Green Arts Initiative, more and more dance companies are becoming green. They recognise their environmental impact and how they can support the move towards sustainability. With more dance artists raising their voices and demanding this change, we have also seen an increase in outdoor performances, which further supports sustainable practices.

Sustainable travel

Each year, our flagship production, Innovations Contemporary Dance Platform, brings together four artists and companies from around the world to showcase their work. Innovations was established to provide a platform for creativity and artistic expression, which provides the Scottish capital with a vibrant array of contemporary dance that excites and inspires – further strengthening the Scottish contemporary dance scene.

As part of our commitment to supporting global artists, we facilitate their travel to Edinburgh, which often involves extensive journeys. While this travel is essential, we are deeply committed to minimising our carbon footprint. To achieve this, we encourage artists to take the most direct routes possible and to use public transport whenever feasible, thereby reducing carbon emissions.

In addition, we are actively exploring options to offset our remaining carbon footprint. However, we firmly believe that offsetting should be considered only after all possible steps to reduce emissions have been taken.

At Dance Horizons, we believe that our commitment to environmental sustainability is not just a responsibility but an integral part of our identity. As we continue to produce world-class contemporary dance, we remain focused on our mission to minimise our negative impact on the environment. By adopting eco-friendly practices, encouraging sustainable travel, and carefully selecting partners who share our values, we strive to set a new standard in the arts industry. Our "Going Green" policy is not just a set of guidelines but a testament to our dedication to making a positive difference. We are proud to champion the cause of sustainability in the arts, proving that creativity and environmental responsibility can coexist harmoniously. As we look to the future, we remain committed to inspiring change, both within our industry and in the wider world, ensuring that the magic of dance continues to thrive in a sustainable, responsible manner.


“sustainability and environmental impact is a huge topic at the moment and we are proud to play our part in championing new and creative ways to make dance, theatre and the arts accessible and sustainable”

- Oliver Anwyl (Chief Executive)


Dance Horizons

Dance Horizons was initiated in 2013 by current Director Oliver James Anwyl with the ambition of championing performance within the field of contemporary dance and opening doors for dance artists and companies at all stages in their careers as a catalyst for presenting their work on the public stage.

The company offers services to present performance events, touring and the Dance Horizons programme at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival alongside their flagship event, Innovations Contemporary Dance Platform, which invites artists and companies to the Scottish capital each year.

Dance Horizons——邁向綠色:讓舞作走向永續

文:Dance Horizons

譯:Mark Choi

Dance Horizons堅信在注重可持續發展並承擔環境責任的同時,仍能夠製作優秀的舞蹈演出。藝術、劇場和娛樂行業在舞蹈製作過程往往需要投入大量的能源和資源,從而經常面臨著重大的環境挑戰。儘管如此,我們堅決要改變現狀。

我們對環境的承諾,不但反映在我們全面的「邁向綠色」(Going Green)政策當中,還是我們營運的核心。政策包括一系列將我們的碳足跡減至最少的措施,從降低能源消耗和減少產生廢物,到採用環保物料和相關實踐。

除了致力娛樂觀眾外,我們亦務求在業界掀起積極變革,通過不斷創新和對可持續發展的關注,Dance Horizons旨在為具有環保意識的藝術製作上樹立新標準,並證明創造力和環境責任能夠並且必須共存。



《Cinuas Gan Uaigneas》 由 Malcolm Sutherland 編舞,圖中為 Malcolm Sutherland 和 Jorja Follina

Ciunas Gan Uaigneas choreographed by Malcolm Sutherland, picture in image Malcolm Sutherland and Jorja Follina

攝 Photo︰Michele Masiello(照片由 Dance Horizons 提供 Photo provided by Dance Horizons)







《Footprint》 由 Penny Chivas 編舞和演出 Footprint choreographed and performed by Penny Chivas

攝 Photo︰Michele Masiello(照片由 Dance Horizons 提供 Photo provided by Dance Horizons)



我們需要權衡接洽舞團業務所帶來的好處,同時兼顧對環境所造成的影響,著實不易。幸好,「綠色藝術倡議」(Green Arts Initiative)令愈來愈多的舞團朝綠色方向發展。他們意識到演出對環境的影響,並致力推動可持續發展。隨著更多舞蹈藝術家發聲並力求改變,我們也看到更多戶外演出,進一步支持可持續性的實踐。


每年,我們的重點製作「創新當代舞蹈平台」(Innovations Contemporary Dance Platform)匯集四個來自世界各地的藝術家和表演團體前來展示他們的作品。平台旨在提供一個呈現創造力和藝術表達的舞台,為蘇格蘭首都帶來一系列充滿活力、激發靈感的當代舞蹈表演,進一步鞏固蘇格蘭當代舞蹈業界生態。






—— Oliver Anwyl(Dance Horizons行政總裁)


Dance Horizons

Dance Horizons 由現任總監 Oliver James Anwyl 於 2013 年創立,宗旨為支持當代舞蹈領域的表演,並為處於不同的事業階段的舞蹈藝術家和團體提供呈現作品的踏腳石,讓他們登上大眾舞台一展所長。

本團提供演出活動、巡演以及參與愛丁堡國際藝穗節的Dance Horizons 計劃等服務,同時也有年度旗艦活動「創新當代舞蹈平台」(Innovations Contemporary Dance Platform),邀請藝術家和表演團體來到蘇格蘭首都亮相。


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