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[中][ENG] 杜塞爾多夫國際舞蹈博覽會(Tanzmesse)Tanzmesse 2018 - Dance in Hong Kong

放眼舞林 An Eye on Dance


Tanzmesse 2018 - Dance in Hong Kong

陳頌瑛Anna CY Chan


Dean of School of Dance, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Former Head of Dance, Performing Arts, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority)

一眾香港代表團成員 The Hong Kong delegates; 相片由西九文化區管理局提供 Photo provided by West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

兩年一次的杜塞爾多夫國際舞蹈博覽會(Tanzmesse),是近年香港舞蹈界熱門選擇的「朝聖」之地。今年西九文化區和香港藝術發展局攜手策劃和帶領近六十個香港業界組成之代表團以「Dance in Hong Kong」主題參展及參與四天的博覽會、演出、交流分享和座談會等。本屆Tanzmesse的主賓國為中國,而博覽會新任的藝術總監Dieter Jaenicke更以「焦點中國」為題,主持其中一個焦點研討會,可見亞洲和中國大陸近年的冒起,反變為歐洲和北美舞團海外演出的大市場!今期我特意邀請隨團觀察員藝文記,以個人觀察和與香港參與者的訪談,用較客觀和立體的角度暢談杜塞爾多夫國際舞蹈博覽會!

Held every two years in Düsseldorf, Germany, Tanzmesse has become a sought-after event of “pilgrimage” for the Hong Kong dance community. This year, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA) collaborated with the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) to lead a delegation of around 60 local dance artists to participate in the four-day fair of performances, sharing and seminars. The guest country of this year is China, and the new artistic director of the fair Dieter Jaenicke hosted a “Chinese Focus Forum”, showing that the recent rise of Asia and China has become a huge market for Europe and Northern America’s touring performances. For this edition, I invited Ngai Man Kee, an observer traveling with the Hong Kong delegation, to offer a more objective perspective by sharing his observations at Tanzmesse and interviews with Hong Kong participants.


Guest author: Ngai Man Kee


Tanzmesse was held again in Germany from late August to early September. The biennial dance gathering attracted artists and producers from fifty countries and regions around the globe. As in 2016, Hong Kong participated in the event with an official-led delegation this year. The previous experience helped the organizer perfect its supporting activities, and provided delegates a firmer grasp of the fair’s nature and their own positioning.


Choreographer and dancer Ivy Tsui attended Tanzmesse as a delegate for the second time. Coming with her previous experience, apart from activities at the fair, Tsui hoped to “think and understand more deeply” regarding her future development. “I keep having conversations with many practitioners during the event. By talking and questioning unceasingly, I can now express myself more precisely, as I could not quite touch on the core of my expression before. This can help my development in future by getting to the essence of things.”

黎德威作品《So Low》之舞台演出 Performance of Lai Tak Wai’s So Low; 相片由西九文化區管理局提供 Photo provided by West Kowloon Cultural District Authority


Tanzmesse was an art fair covering formal performances, progress showings, and seminars. During the four-day event, delegates were busy at different venues, learning from diverse performances and broadening their horizons with discussions. Dialogues were sparked in between events when delegates eagerly shared the outstanding (or disappointing) productions they had just seen, or the brilliant (or boring) talk they had just attended.

Asia Network for Dance(AND+)網絡為主題的早餐簡報會Breakfast presentation with the theme of the Asia Network for Dance (AND+); 相片由西九文化區管理局提供 Photo provided by West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

除了Tanzmesse大會活動,香港代表團本身亦有連串配套,包括以Asia Network for Dance(AND+)網絡為主題的早餐簡報會、讓各地同業聚首的交流酒會,以及具備香港獨有藝術視野的演出展演等,貫徹今屆主題「Dance in Hong Kong」,其中重中之重為數業界會面環節,四十多位香港代表在自己「主場」—— 代表團展覽攤位與來自各國藝術家及製作人會面,熱鬧非常。

In addition to official programs, the Hong Kong delegation came up with a series of supporting activities to highlight the theme this year: “Dance in Hong Kong”, including a breakfast presentation with the theme of the Asia Network for Dance (AND+), a reception for connecting international dance practitioners, and performances showcasing uniquely Hong Kong artistic perspectives. The reception was most significant in allowing more than forty Hong Kong representatives meet artists and producers worldwide, filling the Hong Kong exhibition booth to capacity.

楊春江作品《舞・師》之示範展演 Open Studio of Daniel Yeung’s Contempo Lion Dance; 相片由西九文化區管理局提供 Photo provided by West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

「Dance in Hong Kong」由香港藝術發展局主辦,西九文化區管理局則負責籌組,時任西九表演藝術主管(舞蹈)陳頌瑛(Anna)總結時就表示,經過兩屆的累積沉澱,國際同業對於香港當代舞蹈的發展不但有了基本認識,而且開始產生興趣。「一方面我們主辦單位聽從了上一屆代表團的相關意見、完善了安排,另一方面參與代表亦調整了心態、弄清了目標,效果自然更加突出」,她亦期望,香港來屆會繼續以代表團形式參與Tanzmesse,進一步深化香港舞蹈界與全球同業的聯繫。

“Dance in Hong Kong” was presented by HKADC and organized by WKCDA . Anna CY Chan, then Head of Dance for Performing Arts at WKCDA, stated that after holding the event for the second time, the international dance industry not only got a basic overview, but also became interested in the development of contemporary dance in Hong Kong. “On the one hand, we the organizers listened to the advice from delegates of the last Tanzmesse and improved arrangements; on the other hand, the delegates have also adjusted their mindsets and figured out their goals, making the event even more effective.” She also hoped that Hong Kong will continue participating in Tanzmesse with delegations in the future, deepening the connection between the Hong Kong dance community and global practitioners.

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