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[中] [ENG]後疫情時代的超前部署國家兩廳院:以藝術推廣建立與觀眾的連結



嚐劇場《韓德爾先生,您好!》親子說故事(2022)Bon Appétit Theatre's Hello, Mr.Handel! Story Tme for Kids (2022)(照片由兩廳院提供 Photo provided by the National Theater and Concert Hall)



表演藝術圖書館 NTCH Performing Arts Library /攝 photo:丰宇影像 YUCHEN CHAO Photography(照片由兩廳院提供 Photo provided by the National Theater and Concert Hall)





兩廳院《感覺超能力親子音樂課》Parent child music lessons(由兩廳院提供 Photo provided by the National Theater and Concert Hall)








Planning for the Future in the Post-COVID Era

National Theater and Concert Hall: Connecting with Audiences through Art Promotion

Text: Huang Shin-yi

Translator: Laura Chan

Completed in 1987, the National Theater and Concert Hall (NTCH) is the key venue for performing arts in Taiwan, staging large-scale productions and experimental work from both Taiwan and overseas. In addition to programme planning, the NTCH gives high priority to art promotion and membership management, something which helped to keep audience numbers stable during the pandemic.

「廳院學計劃」在新北市林口國民中學的當代音樂課 NTCH Open School programme in New Taipei Municipal Linkou Junior High School/ 攝photo:周嘉慧(照片由兩廳院提供 Photo provided by the National Theater and Concert Hall)

The NTCH has eight departments. Among them are Programming & International Development, Technical Management, Business Development and Communications. The Communications Department covers four areas: public relations, marketing, membership and outreach, and is the NTCH’s main channel of external liaison. The Public Relations Section handles public affairs, media and branding, while the Marketing Section handles programme sales. The Membership Management Section interacts with audiences through membership schemes, while the ArtReach Section seeks to develop new audiences through education and outreach, and to expose as many people as possible to the performing arts.

Thus, in addition to connecting with existing audiences, the NTCH aims to gradually nurture new audiences. Tsai Wan-ling, Director of Public Relations and former Director of ArtReach, says that the Communications Department uses a variety of elements to serve the needs and encourage the loyalty of different audience groups. “Some might become interested in our programmes after attending an event, some are not interested in performances and would rather maintain a bond with the venue through going to other events and visiting the library, while others become loyal members.”

Tsai started her career at NTCH in 2015, when she became part of the newly-established Education and Events Section. After several restructurings, in 2020 the art promotion team merged with the library of performing arts to form the ArtReach Section, using the library as a means of outreach and focusing on segment promotion and library development.

To Tsai, segmentation does not mean differentiating between sections of the public. “Different age or cultural groups have different approaches in terms of interacting with art, and therefore we want to find the most suitable way to communicate with each of them. How can we best help people to discover the world of performing arts, especially those who have never experienced it?”

「廳院學計劃」在新北市林口國民中學的當代音樂課 NTCH Open School programme in New Taipei Municipal Linkou Junior High School/ 攝photo:周嘉慧(照片由兩廳院提供 Photo provided by the National Theater and Concert Hall)

Currently the target audience can be divided into three groups: parents and children, students and senior citizens, which also matches the Taiwan Cultural Department’s emphasis on cultural equality. Before the pandemic the NTCH had already started to work on cultural equality and inclusivity, and made efforts to ensure different groups were able to enjoy its programmes and facilities. Recently, they have been working on the goal of becoming a more sustainable and inclusive venue moving forward. The pandemic became a learning opportunity, making the departments more flexible in observing and responding to social trends and community needs and making adjustments quickly .

Taiwan has been affected by COVID-19 since early 2020 and had a 3-month-lockdown in spring 2021, finally entering the post-pandemic period in 2022. Although the NTCH felt the impact of the pandemic, due to its robust membership base and many years of art promotion, despite initial challenges in terms of ticket sales, its audience landscape was largely unaffected.

Tsai feels that more data will have to be gathered before the real effect of the pandemic on the industry can be determined, as Taiwan has just entered its first post-COVID year and it is not yet possible to get a clear picture. Many ongoing discussions in Taiwan are still based on pre-pandemic experiences, but is it possible to go back in time? Tsai quotes NTCH’s artistic director Liu Yi-ru, “The world’s theatres are no longer the same after all the upheavals brought about by the pandemic, war, and ethnic and gender awakening movements. As part of the industry we all know that there is no longer a “pre-pandemic” theatre for us to go back to, and we are not going back anyway. Our hearts have grown bigger and our horizons broader and we see the world differently. We invite everyone to see the world with us and welcome a better world together.”

表演藝術圖書館 NTCH Performing Arts Library/攝 photo:丰宇影像 YUCHEN CHAO Photography(照片由兩廳院提供 Photo provided by the National Theater and Concert Hall)

The same thinking applies to art promotion. Reflecting on the experiences of the past few years, Tsai feels that the goal of art promotion is not only to boost audience numbers, but also to build the public’s relationship with the performing arts. “What we do affects the first impression of the performing arts for those who are new to them, and in turn their future relationship with the performing arts.”

With this in mind, the ArtReach Section designs its events with a focus on making a long lasting impact on the audience, and adjusts its strategies every two years based on what it observes. For example, workshops set up for elderly people were originally intended for them to meet their friends and learn about the arts. Later, participation was expanded to include elderly people from other communities in order to broaden the mix of participants. This developed into the OUTREACH programme. Eventually it became apparent that the elderly were curious about the younger generation and wanted to have contact with them. As a result, starting in 2020 Intergenerational projects were designed for elderly and young people to have in-depth discussions through participating in theatre activities together.

As Taiwan’s iconic venue, NTCH continues to be open and responsive to society. It acts as a bridge between creators and the public, promotes art and connects with audiences while moving forward in the post-pandemic era.


Huang Shin-yi

Huang Shin-yi graduated with a Master of Theatre Education from Rostock University of Music and Theatre in Germany and a Bachelor of Chinese Literature from National Taiwan University. She is now an applied theatre worker and commentator. Since her return to Taiwan in 2015, she has continued to use drama as a medium to reach the public, initiate dialogue, and explore herself and social issues.


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