[中][ENG]舞蹈進入社區的兩個個案——以R&T(Rhythm & Tempo)和不加鎖舞踊館的「十八有藝」計劃為例
康樂及文化事務署(康文署)於2019年推出「十八有藝」計劃,以「區」為單位,由不同的藝團與該區的社區團體(如青少年服務中心、長者中心等)協作,招募公眾參與以不同表演藝術形式為主導的社區藝術計劃,至今已有四年。今年四月我採訪了R&T(Rhythm & Tempo)(下稱R&T)和不加鎖舞踊館兩個舞團的製作團隊,前者策劃沙田區的《蹄聲足影》踢躂音樂劇計劃(2022-2023),後者策劃西貢區的《身體年輪》(2019-2023)。在我看來,這兩個社區計劃的質感不同,可視作利用公共資源進行表演藝術推廣的兩種案例。

《身體年輪》新進展演 Body in Time - Showcase of Elementary Workshop/ 攝:Vicent Yik (照片由不加鎖舞踊館提供 Photo provide by Unlock Dancing Plaza)
[ENG] Two Examples of Dancing with Communities —
18dART Projects by R&T (Rhythm & Tempo) and Unlock Dancing Plaza
Text: Liang Yan
Translator: Eva Kan
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) launched the 18dART Community Arts Scheme in 2019. The district-based community arts scheme invites arts groups to work with district organisations (e.g. youth services centres, elderly centres, etc.) to recruit members of the public to participate in different performing arts community arts projects. Four years have passed since the scheme was introduced. This April I interviewed the production teams of two dance groups—R&T (Rhythm & Tempo) and Unlock Dancing Plaza. The former designed Rhythmic Tunes, Hoofin’ Grounds Tap Musical Training Project (2022-2023) for Sha Tin, and the latter designed Body in Time (2019-2023) for Sai Kung. It seems to me that these two community projects are different in nature and present two examples of using public resources to promote performing arts.

《蹄聲足影》踢躂音樂劇計劃新進展演 Phythmic Tunes, Hoofin Tap Musical Training Project/攝:Dicky Wong (照片由R&T (Rhythm & Tempo提供) Photo provide by R&T(Rhythm & Tempo))
R&T: Rhythmic Tunes, Hoofin’ Grounds Tap Musical Training Project
Founded in 2008, R&T is a local professional tap dance group which offers regular tap dance classes for the public. Harriet Yeung, producer of the R&T community project, points out that the project is free of charge, which is a big attraction for participants. In general, a pair of tap shoes for beginners costs several hundred dollars, and the fee for a six-session tap dance course is around one thousand dollars. This project lasted for nine months, which effectively provided each participant with at least $5,000 to $6,000 worth of ‘induction funding'.
Apart from tap shoes, learning tap dance has a lot of requirements in terms of suitable space. “As a beginner, you are afraid of scratching the floor at home, not having enough space and disturbing your family and neighbours.” Therefore, having the right space is a key condition for tap dance. The venues for the 18dART scheme are arranged by LCSD, which is extremely convenient for the arts groups as they can save time and energy on searching for venues and focus on providing technical and professional assistance. Nonetheless, Yeung also mentions that every time they organise a tap dance workshop, an effort has to be made to confirm with the collaborating organisation whether the floor of the venue is suitable, otherwise R&T needs to transport thin wooden flooring to the venue. However, overall this type of community arts scheme does to some extent help to remove the barriers in terms of cost and space for potential tap dancers.
Yeung says that the participants in this musical training project included three generations from the same family: “It's a rare opportunity for the old and the young of three age groups under the same roof to do something together, and what’s more, it's a performing arts thing.” It seems to her that most of the participants have a strong passion for the stage. “They like to perform, but for various reasons, they were unable to do so and have not had the opportunity to continue. Now this project gives them the opportunity to perform in a professional venue led by a professional production team.” If the support provided from public resources is the soil, the motivation of the participants is the fertiliser for continuous project development. Yeung says frankly she was worried initially that some of the participants would drop out, but eventually many of them continued. This long-term project can allow them to ‘immerse’ themselves. “Tap dancing is something that needs time to be immersed in it.”
When asked the reason for organising community projects in addition to performances and regular courses, Ken Kwok, the artistic director of R&T, says that to him, promoting tap dance in the community has a certain ‘conservation’ aspect. He encountered tap dance when studying musical theatre dance at the School of Dance of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, but since musical theatre dance was cancelled as a major, it has become hard to find tap dancers who have graduated from the academy. As far as Kwok knows, R&T is the only local tap dance group that is still active. He notes wistfully that although Taiwan and Korea started later than Hong Kong, their tap dance scenes are better developed. “I don’t want to be the only one dancing,” Kwok says. This was his initial motivation to take tap out into the community.
Unlock Dancing Plaza: Body in Time
Compared to R&T, Unlock Dancing Plaza, which was founded in 2002, takes a different path of ‘community intervention’. Its creative director Ong Yong Lock (Lock) says: “For non-professionally trained bodies, it is about how we can provide them with means or tools so that they can move their bodies in a different way.” You can say that in their community project, Unlock Dancing Plaza continues to follow its artistic goals: to explore the body as a means of expression and a tool for connection.
Unlike R&T, while tap dance can be placed in the context of pop culture, contemporary dance still does not have an easily understood vocabulary and context for the general public. Therefore, when a workshop using contemporary dance as a ‘training system’ is introduced to the public, there is a different kind of obstacle to be overcome.
Lock says they would make arrangements to take account of this before recruiting participants for the project. Taking Body in Time as an example, they started by holding experiential workshops for the social workers at Haven of Hope Christian Service, the collaborating organisation of their programme in Sai Kung. “That way, when they recruit the elderly participants, they are clearer about the programme since they have experienced what it is like themselves.” As the organisation takes up the main role in recruitment, this arrangement helps them identify more easily those seniors who would be interested in the body workshop. Andy Lee, the workshop instructor, says most of the elderly joining the workshop like to have fun and have great curiosity. They are open to an unknown experience[NR1] .
Tiffany Ko, producer of Body in Time, shares her observations on the past few years: “Every year I see the same process. The seniors will say, ‘I finally know what you are doing’. They are doubtful at the very beginning, then they become curious, and gradually they may come to the instructor and ask, ‘Is this what we want to achieve today by doing this?’ They start to guess what the instructors would like to convey.” Executive producer John Wen shares an unforgettable moment from the project: “During a performance one senior, who is relatively older but has the courage to move his body, laid his whole body down on the floor to receive the yoga ball from his partner, and got thunderous applause from the audience. It was actually not necessary for him to respond in such an unsafe way, but he believed in his body and wanted to respond to his partner who gave him this ‘challenge’.”
However, it is not an easy process to achieve this state. Lock says, “Many participants inevitably have preconceptions about dance at the beginning, asking things like ‘What steps are you teaching today?’” Therefore, the first thing to do is to change the conceptions of the elderly participants. “We use everyday objects to first help us to build a common foundation with them, putting aside the question of what dance is, and returning to the body first, letting them know what their bodies are like and how different everyone's body is.”

《蹄聲足影》踢躂音樂劇計劃新進展演 Phythmic Tunes, Hoofin Tap Musical Training Project/攝:Dicky Wong (照片由R&T (Rhythm & Tempo提供) Photo provide by R&T(Rhythm & Tempo))
Discussion: Two types of deficiency
Although both projects are under 18dART, and are community arts projects relying on community networks, their focus is different. R&T inherits the context of pop culture and the marketplace, while Unlock Dancing Plaza takes the approach of how contemporary arts engage with the community.
Unlock Dancing Plaza uses contemporary dance concepts and training, but since the community is unfamiliar with these, they work more on changing conceptions and adapting ways of understanding and using the body. R&T is dedicated to promoting tap dance, an art form of which the public already have a certain impression. However, in terms of ecology, there are not many active local tap dance groups where newcomers can learn and develop their skills. These two cases reflect two types of deficiency: the former lacks public knowledge, so promoting it is a kind of conceptual education; the latter lacks practitioners, so promoting it is more about cultivating skills and training. Both types of deficiency can be addressed through systematic, long-term investment of public resources.
Liang Yan
Liang Yan was born in mainland China, and currently lives in Hong Kong engaging in research and writing. Recently she is reading My Master's Robe.